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ditch EBSCO and ProQuest

proquestEBSCO and ProQuest are easy to use to find PDFs of research journal articles, however, their PDFs are very large, and poor quality. My friend Chad passed me this list of direct links to journals where higher quality, and smaller PDFs can be found. These links work best if you are on a university network. Here they are:

MIS Quarterly   1977-present

Information Systems Research    Back issues are currently unavailable

Journal of Management Information Systems  2000-2007
Communications of AIS    1999-present
Journal of AIS   2000-present
European Journal of Information Systems    1997-present
Information & Organization    2001-present
Decision Support Systems    1985-present
Organization Science   2001-present
Management Science    2001-present
Journal of Strategic Information Systems    1991-present
Information & Management    1977-present 

I have been impressed with the quality and consistency of sciencedirect.

Have any more good links? Add them in comments!

3 comments to ditch EBSCO and ProQuest

  • Chad

    The date ranges are all based on accessing these sites from the Georgia State University network so your access will vary depending on where you access these links from. Here are some additions and a few updates based on access attempts made on 2/12/09


    JSTOR actually has better scans for MIS Quarterly articles prior to 2000 and they also go all the way back to 1977. MIS Quarterly at JSTOR

    Management Science is also available through JSTOR from 1954-2004. Management Science at JSTOR


    Information Systems Research is now available from 1998-Present

    European Journal of Information Systems is currently only available for 2008

    Communications of the AIS and Journal of the AIS both require AIS membership to access.

  • Thanks for the update, Chad! This is very useful.

  • Thanks Tim and Chad for this tip…I’ll see if these links work at BYU!