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Shared Services in the news

My research involves IT Shared Services. Shared Services is a management concept which has been around since the late 80’s. Often when new articles and press releases come out they pop up on my radar.

I thought I’d share a few good ones that I have seen in the past few months:

In the general Shared Services area (not IT-specific):

The Process is the Punishment

How true that statement is, well sometimes. In a recent meeting, I sat by Wendy Gaustaferro from the Criminal Justice department. The Process is the PunishmentShe was preparing to teach a class ideas presented in Feeley’s 1979 “The process is the punishment“, which describes the lower criminal courts of new haven Connecticut. After months of observing the Court of Common Pleas, Feeley writes:

“Jammed every morning with a new mass of arrestees who have been picked up the night before, lower courts rapidly process what the police consider to be ‘routine’ problems – barroom brawls, neighborhood squabbles, domestic disputes, welfare cheating, shoplifting, drug possession, and prostitution – not ‘real’ crimes. These courts are chaotic and confusing; officials communicate in a verbal shorthand wholly unintelligble to accused and accuser alike, and they seem to make arbitrary decision, sending one person to jail and freeing the next.”

As I understand it, the basic idea of the book  is that having to go through the court process is punishment in itself. Apart from the courts there are plenty of punishing processes. DMVs, Departments of Watershed Management Offices, all conjure an image of punishing lines and archaic forms.   Within the enterprise, it is often these punishing processes which lead many to take the easiest but less efficient route. All the more reason for Business Process Management and Improvement.

Setting Up a BizAgi Xpress Server on AWS Windows 2008 Instance

Update: 2/2/2011:

A few notes after over a year of using this model of BizAgi hosting:

  • Don’t shutdown the server. Just right click and press pause. Also, don’t ever shut down BizAgi. When you ‘un-pause’ the image everything will come right back up on IIS and the server will be web accessible immediately. This is the killer feature of using AWS for classroom use.
  • Starting and restarting will change the URL of the server. I don’t mind this. You can pay a few cents more and the URL will remain the same.
  • In the ‘how to’ below I install BizAgi onto a plain vanilla win2008 server. It did not have MS SQL or IIS etc. MS SQL Express was installed when I installed BizAgi, and then I installed IIS myself later on. I didn’t have problems with this setup as it was the ‘BizAgi default setup’. I think BizAgi is still shipping with SQL Express 2005.

Original Post:

I created this “how to” to aid anyone interested in trying out BizAgi (a BPMS) on a live web-accessible server. It has an extremely low entrance cost, as Amazon Web Services is used. I have embedded it below. Please post any comments here if you run into trouble, or learn something helpful for all.

This is not so much a tutorial as it is a directions list. I assume you have setup an AWS instance of some kind. If you have not, head over to EC2 for Poets.

  • Sign into the AWS Console:
  • Click on AMIs and search for this one: Ami-45c22ec2 actually: Ami-45c22e2c

The description should say: Windows-Server2008-i386-Base-v102

This is a plain vanilla instance of Windows 2008. Windows 2008 is much snapper through Remote Desktop than Windows 2003.

  • Right click on the instance you have found, and say “Run instance”.

A “wizard” will then pop up that looks like this: (click to expand)

Amazon Instance Wizard

  • You can change the instance type to be High CPU if you like. It will be 4x more expensive, but hey, you only live once. Press Continue.
  • Then if you still have your keypair file select that keypair. If you don’t have it, get a new keypair file. Press Continue.
  • Select a security group. Use one that you created last time. Press Continue.
  • Review your setup. And launch!

Now it’s break time. You need about 10-15 minutes before you can get your password to your new machine and login.

  • After that time, right click your instance in the instance area of the AWS console, and press “Get Windows Password”. This is where you need your KeyPair file.

It will give you a very complex password. Copy and paste this somewhere safe.

Then right click the instance again and press “Connect”. See this screen shot:

RDP connection shortcut

Select option 1 and download the shortcut file then click on it.

A few warning dialogs will pop up, that’s ok, just accept them, and put in your complex windows password. You can change this password, but don’t loose it.

Now you are in. Staring at the desktop of some machine server in the cloud! Click on the “Work” Network when that pops up.

Ok now that you are in you have two tasks:

  • Install IIS (Internet Information Services)

This is a webserver which will let you share your automated processes with the world.

  • And Install BizAgi

This will let you execute your processes and deliver them through the webserver.

To install IIS:

Click on Start (i.e the “Start button” in the Windows task bar) then click the search box right above it and type Server Manager. Open “Server Manager”. Then click “Roles”, then “Add Roles”.

A window will pop up. Read it, then press next, then select “Web Server (IIS)” out of the list of 17 roles.

Select the IIS Role

A pop up will come up and just answer in the affirmative. Then press Next until you get to a screen that looks like this:

Click on the box next to ASP.NET. Another pop up will come up. I think you get the idea.

One more box to check: IIS 6 Management compatibility. It’s highlighted in blue below.

IIS6 Management Compatability

Alright, keep pressing next, and then click on Install. While it is installing, let’s go download BizAgi Xpress.

Use Internet Explorer to do this. Search for it in Google, or use this link to download BizAgi Xpress (not process modeler):

Unfortunately Internet Explorer is very annoying and makes us press “Add” in order to download files from really anywhere. A box like the one below may come up several times. Just press “Add” and then OK.

Downloading with Internet Explorer

It will take about 4 minutes to download. Meanwhile, go see how the install of IIS is doing. Once that is done — close that window. Wait for that to finish installing before installing BizAgi.

  • Accept all of the default settings in the BizAgi install. It might take a while to install.
  • Run or Start BizAgi. A shortcut is on the desktop.

When it pops up, click on Process Templates (see below). It is fun to learn from an example already built.

BizAgi Welcome Screen

Press next on the windows which will appear. Accept all the defaults. A window will come up asking for DB information. Accept the defaults here and don’t change anything… just continue.

Once it is done it will have a window like this: Note the Modules and Run buttons. Before we press “Run” lets check out the Modules.

After you press Modules a screen like this will come up:

Inside BizAgi Xpress

Click around and right click things and just explore this area for 10 minutes. This has all of the processes which we are about to “execute” on a live server. There are three different process models can you find all of them?

Next click on Run (green button). A browser window will pop up with your running processes. This is viewable by anyone on the web. But what’s the address? Get this by going to your AWS console and copying the public DNS field from your running instance: Mine is  – copy this into a web browser. You will see the IIS screen, add /Templates to see your running processes. So the final URL (for me) is:

Now send this link to your friends and have them login as different roles and start some processes. Post your server link as a comment here and share it with everyone! Although this tutorial may have been fun, using your sever (the more people that use it the merrier) demonstrates the power of BPM. After you started a few processes, go to the administrator view of BizAgi to look at the status of the processes you, your friend, or some random person has started.


After you are done playing, remember to pause your server by right clicking your running instance and pressing “stop”. This will avoid you incurring huge AWS charges! Press start to resume when you want to play with it again. You can also terminate the server when you are completely finished with it.  You will see this option on the right-click menu Congratulations you have setup and run a full blown BPMS which you can turn on and off whenever you like!

Here is this “how-to” in PDF form:

Setting Up a BizAgi Xpress Server on AWS

Virtual Computing Labs for students through Amazon Web Services

I have seen some excitement about Virtual Computing Labs for students. This allows students to access software and resources from their home that normally would only be available to them from an on campus computer lab. A need for mobile educational resources, and dropping technology costs are driving the introduction of virtual computing lab environments.

Virtual Computing Labs also solve an age-old problem for students and professors alike. Student’s laptops have various flavors of (often unkempt) operating systems on them, they often encounter snags when installing larger pieces of software (e.g. ones that need SQLServer or IIS to run). By having access to a virtual computer these problems can be avoided.

Traditionally VCL environments are made possible by server arrays in data centers in a university data center. Today such technology is only available to a few faculty within a very small percentage of universities. Amazon Web Services allow students to remotely connect to machines (Windows 2008 in my case), regardless of their host OS, where they can install any software they wish. Best of all, they are only charged for how long they use the machine.

In December 2009 Amazon announced it is possible to stop and start servers, thereby not loosing any of your data that prior to that would have been lost on terminating the server. In February 2010 Amazon announced consolidated billing, which it would make it easy for a professor to foot the bill for the students. Just hope that the student’s do not forget to “stop” their instances. In April 2009 Amazon announced AWS in Education grants — which give instructors $100 in AWS credits (to give to each student).

How much does this cost?

Well if you get the $100 Education Grant from Amazon… nothing.

If the students use the instance of the machine for an average of 5 hours each week over the course of a 16 week semester the cost would be: 5 hours X 16 weeks = 80 hours @ 12.5 cents an hour = 10$. In addition, the students would need to pay for the persistent storage of their data. This would be 10 cents per gigabyte per month: 30 gigabytes x 10 cents per month = $3 per month or $12 for the semester. This is easily within the $100 education credit from Amazon. And this also assumes that the students “stop” their instance when they are done using it.

I don’t work for Amazon, but I think this service can solve many potential headaches for professors and students alike at almost no cost. It’s also fun… Students get to setup their own servers in the cloud, and who wouldn’t be excited to do that?

If you want to try it out, follow all the directions at EC2 for Poets! And if you have any problems, leave a comment here…

Most popular theories in Information Systems research

At the recent ICIS conference in Phoenix. I saw a poster by some Michigan PhD students on the most popular theories used in ISR and MISQ (the field’s top 2 journals).

Here is an interesting excerpt from that paper, which I have linked to below:

“We identified 154 distinct theories by originating discipline employed in the journal articles. Among these, the top 10 widely used theories accounted for 90% of the total usage. 88 theories (57% of total) are used only once, thereby making the distribution of usage of theories exhibit a long tail, as displayed in Figure 1. Theories from Psychology and Sociology account for 32% and 17%, respectively, of the total. Economics and Organizational Science with 11% each also are prominent. ”

Here is the most interesting graph from the paper, which shows a long tail distribution. I must say a tail distribution of this length is quite surprising. However, many of these theories have been edified by the work of IS researchers.

Most popular theories used in Information Systems Research